
First Sunday Of Advent

Too exhausted to write tonight….apologies to my readers. Bless you all.

~ S.K. Orr



  • Carol

    Was thinking of you over the weekend – hoping that the reason you hadn’t written might be that you had family in for Thanksgiving, and they were keeping you too busy….
    …now I am hoping that this might be the reason for your exhaustion – hate to think you might be ill or something..
    Anyway, I hope that you were able to enjoy a good ‘day of giving thanks’ and that a few good nights’ sleep will see you recovered..
    God Bless you and yours!

    • admin

      Carol, your concern is truly touching. It’s a combination of being too busy, not getting enough quality sleep, and a vexing inability to turn off my mind when I lay me down to sleep. I think it’s improving somewhat, though…I’m hopeful, anyway.

      Your comments and thoughts for me are deeply appreciated, Carol.

  • Sean G.

    Rest up my friend. I don’t know how you keep it up. I have hit a doldrum like no other and stopped writing entirely, though a recent prayer may have sparked an idea. I suppose that’s why you’re writing is always excellent.

    • admin

      Thank you, Sean…I hope your doldrums pass quickly. And I’m intrigued by your prayer-to-idea.

      I appreciate your talents, as well as your support, my brother.

  • Range Front Fault

    Bless you too, S.K. “Too exhausted to write tonight….apologies to my readers.” Can’t fix normal, S.K. The death eaters are everywhere swooping low to suck the life force from us. Shield walls up! Life now is a constant struggle to be aware when your energy is being sucked out, and what one must do to revive. For me a combination of prayer to say Hi to God (“Piglet sidled up to Pooh from behind. “Pooh!” he whispered.”Yes, Piglet?” “Nothing,” said Piglet, taking Pooh’s paw. “I just wanted to be sure of you.”) and get out into the natural world. Husband just left for a week in the Basin-Range high desert of southern Nevada to explore old mine ruins, do some short Ha! rappelling and look for precambrian geology, fossils and petroglyphs from the old ones in order to get his gyroscope spinning evenly again. Husband will do site reconnaissance and I’ll join him in a couple days for petroglyphs and mine ruins. We’re both a dollop spergy so enjoy a few days away from each other to remember the sound of our own wheels. Like writing this to you. Godspeed, Brother.

    • admin

      RFF, y’all live interesting lives…hope you both enjoy your explorations. Your plans sound very enjoyable.

      Many thanks for your encouragement and blessings, my friend.