Daily Life,  Holy Days,  Jinx,  Photographs,  Reflections

Merry Christmas

by Arthur Rackham…courtesy of my dear friend L

Several inches of snow, amongst which the Spotted Menace has streaked and slid all day long….a warm home, a beautiful and loving wife, friend and family who have written, texted, and called to wish us a Merry Christmas…the presence of birds outside at the feeders…the glow of the tree and the lights…the aroma of roasting turkey and pumpkin pie and dressing and green bean casserole and potatoes and all the other side dishes…wine in the glass and cheese on the plate….a beautiful and peaceful and blessed day. I wish the same for all of you, my readers,who mean so much to me. Thank you for visiting here regularly, and for your friendship, and for lifting my arms when they are weary. Merry Christmas to you all, my dear friends!

Bonnie’s grave


Christmastide friends


Christmas Day woods


Our back garden


Christmas mountains


Glory to the newborn King


Our farm


From the East


Sleeper, awake


Jinx sees the Ghost of Christmas Present


My bestest Christmas present of ever


Peace in our valley

Again, a heartfelt Merry Christmas, my friends. And God bless us, every one.

~ S.K. Orr