Daily Life,  Jinx,  Reflections

Full Wolf Moon

Jinx spent a lot of time up on the ridge last night, blending his voice with the keening yips of the coyotes on the next ridge. They were singing their ancient song to the moon, telling tales of her power and allure and treachery.

When I was going about my morning ablutions today, I noticed in the mirror that I had a series of scratches along my back near where my arm attaches to my shoulder, red lines along my latissimus dorsi. Then I saw a series very thin and deep scratches on my chest and abdomen, the sort a sharp cat’s claw might make. I touched all of the scratches, and they were somewhat tender. Summoning my wife, I asked her to look at the marks and give me her evaluation. After pondering and offering various possibilities, including the possibility that I could have made the scratches myself while sleeping (though looking at the marks on my abdomen and looking at my fingernails, I don’t think so),  Mrs. Orr let it slip that she’s been hearing strange noises in the house recently when I’m not there.

Reminding myself of the eerie history of our farmhouse, I stood under the remorseless glare of the bathroom lights, staring at the reflection of my far-past-my-prime physique and its brick-colored scratches and thinking of ghosts and and memories and how they seem to attach themselves to physical structures related to something of significance.

I could hear the howls from up on the ridge. They had continued through the night.

~ S.K. Orr


  • Francis Berger

    S.K. – I suggest you contact William James T. via email concerning this. He may be able to offer you some helpful advice (assuming the matter is still ongoing).

  • Brian

    Maybe try Fr Ripperger’s book of deliverance prayers.
    You have authority over your home and loved ones as a husband, father, and homeowner.
    I pray these prayers every so often and use holy water around the house.
    I think that claiming your God-given authority and not exceeding it is key.
    Also its probably a sign that your doing something right.

    • admin

      Interesting you mentioned Fr. Ripperger, Brian. I admire his work. In fact, I have one of his books and hope to finish it soon…it’s a massive work related to psychology.

      I appreciate the reminders and the perspective about my role. The only Catholic church near me is a moribund one with a priest I wouldn’t let dog-sit Jinx, much less seek out for spiritual counsel. We hope to travel soon to a place a few hours away and get some holy water and blessed candles, etc. I wrote to a prominent Church in Ohio and sent them a donation and asked for some holy water and candles, and they sent me a form to contribute money to their building fund, so I’m sacramental-less. Ah, well.

      I try not to make too much of these spooky little incidents, but they do tend to stay in my thoughts.

  • Carol

    It’s one thing to experience mysterious goings on in a house with an “eerie history”, but those unexplained scratches seem a bit malevolently ‘intended’…

    …maybe say some particular prayers for blessing or protection over the house?

    • admin

      Perhaps you’re right, Carol. I tend to treat such things as “Hey, this is sorta interesting!” but I don’t know. If I knew a nearby priest I trusted, I could call him.