And About The Ninth Hour…
It is now three p.m. here, the ninth hour of the day if reckoned by the timekeeping of the earthly days of our Lord Jesus Christ.
Either He died as the holy apostles have told us, or He did not. It was either accomplished for us, or it was not. His followers are either the most wretched of all men, or we are not.
This is not the hour for arguments or syllogisms or debate. This is the hour when I am compelled to whisper, “Lord, remember me when Thou shalt come into Thy kingdom. Lord, I believe; help thou mine unbelief. Lord, increase my faith. Lord Jesus, receive my spirit.”
I do not care what popes and priests and pastors and preachers may say or do. I do not care what teachers and scholars and brilliant men may proclaim. I care nothing for the disputes and the debates and the speculations. I am untroubled by any virus, unaffected by any opinion of men.
I believe. I believe it all.
I place all my trust completely and unreservedly in Christ Jesus, the Lord. May He keep me close to Him all the days of my life and beyond.
He said, “It is accomplished.”
And so it is.
~ S.K. Orr