
Mine Own Compline

This is a spiritual exercise, and I want you to do it with me. Right now.

Go and get a candle and place it on a desk or table before you, and light it.

Stare at the flame for a moment, that blue and yellow tongue that feeds on the exact same oxygen as you. Then close your eyes.

Bow your head as you did when you were a child, and bring your hands up, palms together, left thumb looped over the right. As you did when you were a child.

Place the tips of your index fingers on your lips; your middle fingers will probably be on or just above your upper lip. Take a deep breath.

And then whisper or say in your heart, “Lord Jesus Christ, I do believe in You. I believe You love me specifically, and I believe You want the very best for me. Amen.”

Then blow out your candle and go to bed. This is the way of peace for you on this night.

May Christ the Lord bless you and your house. I am praying for you.

Yes, you.

~ S.K. Orr


  • Genie Hughes

    I’ve been using a Chrism scented candle for my.morning and evening prayers. I so enjoyed your story today of Jinx and your ‘affluent’ friend! Maybe you should consider a subscription for some of your work, a la substack ? I would pay to read your columns!

    • admin

      Genie, I’m pleased that you enjoyed the post. As far as a subscription situation…well, I’m not very good at the nuts and bolts of blogging and publishing. I can put the words on the page, but beyond that, a stick gets jammed in my spokes. I’ve been sitting on completed book manuscripts for some time now due to lack of understanding how to do things like design a cover. One of my friends, a reader, volunteered to help me with this, but I’ve been too scattered to even take him up on his generous offer. I’m intimidated by the idea of “monetizing” this little blog. But I truly thank you for the compliment and for saying that you would pay to read my scribblings…blessings to you and yours, my friend.

  • islanti

    Did this last night. Been a while since I stared at a candle flame like that, felt immediate peace. My prayer went on a little longer, but went to bed and feel asleep immediately afterwards. Thanks.

    • admin

      Islanti, I’m glad you benefited from this little exercise. Very gratifying to hear you had a soft evening.