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The Importance of Laura Wood

I wanted to encourage my readers to frequently visit The Thinking Housewife and to support Laura Wood’s work if possible.

Since I began my oddball journey from joyless and confused Protestant to embracing the traditional Roman Catholic faith with enthusiasm and, yes, love, Laura Wood has been a steady, encouraging presence. She is one of three people who have helped me more than I can express, the other two being Father James Conner, a monk at Our Lady of Gethsemani Abbey in Bardstown, Kentucky, and the lady who hosts the superb website Fisheaters.

The Thinking Housewife is one of those rare sites that, every time I visit, feeds my soul, encourages me, warns me, and points me back to Christ the Lord, His Blessed Mother, and the unseen wonders of the Christian spiritual world all around us.

It is no small matter to blog under one’s own name, and I know this from personal experience. But while I write mostly about a goofy spotted dog and the cycle of seasons on our tiny farm, Laura stands up like Phineas with a javelin in her hand and points and says, “This is wrong. And see here, this is right.” She also reminds us of duty, of discipline, and of the beauty and art and wonder of what has gone before, and of what could be again if the followers of Christ Jesus would turn away from Satan and his pomps and baubles and run into the loving arms of the Savior.

Take for example her recent ongoing series of posts (the first two are here and here) about George Orwell’s 1984. It is a remarkably perceptive piece and does what Laura’s writing invariably does: it shakes the careful reader.

Laura also frequently highlights guest posts by other writers. See today’s piece by Alan about the Halloween season and the significance of what we see unspooling around us. This is one of those essays that I’d like to print out and put in the mailbox of everyone I work with, because the head-shaking awfulness Alan describes is being played out in the lives of my coworkers.

I urge you to bookmark The Thinking Housewife and to support Laura if you are able. Turn on the news. Do you see those sneering faces of those “leaders” and “authorities” who hate you and your family enough to bury you in lies and try to get you to say that you enjoy it? Those are the people who would love to silence Laura Wood and others like her. Keep that in mind when you look upon the likes of Anthony Fauci and Jen Psaki and Joe Biden and George Soros. And keep it in mind when you look at the photo of the humble and reverent housewife standing before the statue of a saint.

~ S.K. Orr