Dissipated Milestone

Today marks the 246th birthday of the United States Marine Corps. It’s an anniversary that once meant so much to me, as the Corps itself once did.
And now she is tattered, stained, dishonored, decrepit, and dissipated beyond repair. Exactly like the former nation she once defended.
I do not celebrate today’s Marine Corps, but I do remember fondly the comrades I once had. I’ve never had friends like the ones I had in the Corps, and my life was never as focused, and I never felt as alive.
So I celebrate the Corps, as I do so many other things, in the halls of my memories. Back when I stood proudly in her ranks, wearing the Eagle, Globe, and Anchor.
Semper Fidelis.
~ S.K. Orr
I have a cousin one year older than myself who enlisted in the Corps right out high school (1969). He loved it and was going to stay for a 30 year retirement.
According to him, when he tried to reup (which would take him to the 30 year mark), he was denied because he had not advanced a pay grade during his current enlistment.
After his discharge he got into the reserves when he got back home and got his 30 in that way.
As an aside, we have a Vietnam veteran just down the street from us. He is confined to a wheel chair due to a spine injury as a result of a helocopter crash. As a result of his treatment since then, I can say that the VA is total and complete crap.
The problem with the VA is that it’s run by the government. The same government that thinks paying a half million dollars to criminal invaders is a good idea. The same government that exalts some mentally ill man who sliced off his private parts, declared himself a woman, and got himself named an admiral while wearing a skirt. The same government that is trying to kill young Kyle Rittenhouse. The same government that is ruining the lives of anyone who refuses to let Brandon make medical decisions for them.
Such are the brains and souls behind the VA. May God bless and strengthen those who rely on such trash to “help” them.
I feel the same way about the Army. My first two years as a JAG officer with the Berlin Brigade were the most intense, happiest and satisfying of my life. I remember it vividly and would not trade it for anything. My heart hurts for those in the service now. It’s definitely no longer a band of brothers, but yet another cesspool of political correctness and victims. I will never forgive our leadership for putting their retirement income before the good of the military services. Although I think Obama carved out the heart of our good senior officers during his stint in power, I think we would have been okay if they’d been allowed to voice disagreement with the Co”C instead of being forced into pasture.
Yes, like the man said, no matter how fake and gay you think this clown world is, the reality is even faker and gayer. And we wonder why this land seems to be the target for divine wrath.