Bluebelle,  Holy Days,  Jinx,  Music,  Photographs,  Prayers,  Reflections

Merry Christmas

To all my readers, a very Merry Christmas!

We arose early (not by choice — thank you, Jinx and Bluebelle!) and had our Christmas. Before we settled in for a nice early afternoon nap, I prayed for each of you….by name for the ones whom I know by name, and for the rest of you in general intercession.

I found a very nice arrangement of Ave Maria online. I was ready to stop the song within seconds, expecting it to be some jazzed-up silly monstrosity. Suffice it to say that when I listened to it, I was not prepared for what I heard. I hope you enjoy the skill and discipline of practice it took to pull this off.

May all of your hearts and homes be filled with peace tonight, and may God bless you as you seek to know and draw near to Him.

~ S.K. Orr



  • Genie Hughes

    Belated Merry Christmas! I found this quote today and thought you would like the sentiment as well. Many thanks to you, Francis Berger, Bruce Charlton and others for keeping me sane in the last year. Here’s hoping that if next year gives us more of the same, it will also continue to bring more people back to prayer and love of G_d and his gifts. Happy New Year to you and Mrs. Orr and all of the lovely animals you care for each day.

    ““Although we live in the richest society in the history of the world, we still assume that there is not enough. Not enough life, not enough food, not enough entertainment, not enough happiness. This keeps our economy going. The truth is the opposite. There is too much. We are overwhelmed, and our imaginations can’t take it all in. There is limitless beauty for us to wonder at. There is truth to explore—not just the dimensions of science or the ponderings of philosophy but the depths of poetry and the testimony of history. There is goodness in the human spirit to admire—in great explorers and mighty warriors, in the humble potter or the resourceful mid-wife. Yet there is also the temptation to steal, because we fear that there will not be “enough.” We are generous when we trust that we’ll have enough; we are covetous and anxious because we have lost this trust.”
    — Samuel Wells, as quoted in Christians in an Age of Wealth: A Biblical Theology of Stewardship by Craig L. Blomberg.

  • Brian

    Yes, Merry Christmas to you and your readers. I continue to pray for you (and them) every morning. God knows… we need it.

    • admin

      Thank you so much, Brian. I appreciate the prayers, and I’m confident that my readers do, too. Blessings to you and yours…

  • Range Front Fault

    Merry Christmas Mr. Orr from Southern Utah.
    Thank you so very much for your dear time and effort to write and inspire/lift us up. My thoughts and prayers go with you, and to Mrs. Orr, Goofball and Bluebell! God Speed!

    • admin

      And a Merry (belated) Christmas to you, too, RFF. Good to hear from you. And thank you for the prayers…we need them.

      Goofball is the perfect nickname for Jinx. He’s a mess.