Daily Life,  Mrs. Orr,  Music,  Photographs,  Reflections

At the Curtain of Dusk

Bee cloaked in pollen

During a recent trip to the county dump, I tossed all of our garbage into dumpsters, then took a baggie of dry dog food from the front seat and poured the cup or so of food onto the gravel. I didn’t see the little cat that has greeted me for a while now, and I called to her, but she didn’t show. Driving out of the parking lot, I noticed for the first time a sign that warned against feeding feral cats, and indicating that anyone caught doing so would be considered the cat’s owner and would be responsible for damages and any fees incurred. I shrugged it off, but when I mentioned it to Mrs. Orr later, she was visibly uncomfortable with the idea of me continuing my acts of charity towards the little cats at the dump.

But… me being me, I filled the baggie with dry food before taking last week’s trip to the dump. When I arrived, there were a couple of other pickups there, and I decided not to risk getting nabbed for feral feeding, so I just did what I came for and then headed for the exit. I scanned the area as I approached the gate and saw a large white cat jump from the ground into one of the dumpsters. A noise from one of the other patrons caused the cat to rocket up out of the container and streak across the parking lot, skitter up the chain link fence, and disappear into the weeds. The very picture of feral. And then it came to me: the other little cat, the one I’ve fed several times…she wasn’t nervous at all in the presence of people and vehicle. I realized that this was not some kitty born and raised in a landfill. She was a family’s cat, and had either gotten lost or been abandoned at the dump. She was used to people and their movements. The thought filled me with sadness, and I looked around for her for a good minute before finally leaving the parking lot. Such a creature is truly at the mercy of the world. I will continue to watch for her during my weekly visits to the site.


I thought I’d leave you with a lovely song I heard the end of on the radio the other day. I recognized the singer as Texas’s own Lyle Lovett and memorized the section of the lyrics that I managed to catch and looked it up online when I got home. I found a Youtube version that has the lyrics, and though it would be the best version to use, since Lyle’s delivery can sometimes be a bit mushy-mouthed. Not a criticism, just an observation — my wife and I have long enjoyed Mr. Lovett’s distinct style. So here ’tis, for y’all.

Rest well, dear friends.

~ S.K Orr


  • JanM

    Maybe take some wet food, if kitty is content around you, stroke, if not, pick her up and hopefully she/he will respond and take home.
    Lost Kitty’s who have had a home, misses that.
    Anyways M8 good luck 😻

    • admin

      Thanks for stopping by and for commenting, JanM. I actually went back to the dump today, but didn’t see the little girl. I did see two extremely wild cats out in the road. They watched me with baleful wariness but never approached. I accidentally spilled another baggie of food on the ground while I was getting back behind the wheel. I’ll keep looking to see if she returns. She’d make a pretty good barn cat, I’m thinking.