My Knee Grows

For a couple of weeks now, my right knee has been giving me fits. I assumed it was arthritis at first, but then the pain increased gradually and reminded me of the time I hyperextended one of my knees several years ago. Been hobbling around for a few days, using a cane when walking farther than from room to room. I figured I hurt it when I hopped off the lawn tractor week before last and landed with some unsteadiness. This past Saturday, I broke the belt on the tractor and had to end up mowing the back yard with a push mower before it rained, planning to go the next day and buy a replacement belt. That little one-hour march back and forth didn’t help matters, and the knee was tender for the rest of the day.
Last night while preparing for bed, I was turning off lights. At one point, I turned my torso towards the light switch while keeping my sore right knee planted. I supposed I twisted more than I realized, and I heard a loud “SNAP!” which sounded exactly like someone broke a pencil in two. The most exquisite white pain flooded through my knee and I collapsed on floor. By the time I regained my feet, the knee was swollen twice its normal size, a nice shade of red, hot to the touch, with wormy veins raised beneath the skin over the kneecap. When I tried putting any weight on it, I made some noises and said some things. I put some Ben-Gay on it and took some ibuprofen and we went on to bed. This did not go well, and I kept my wife awake with my moanings every time I turned over or hop-skipped to the bathroom.
Mrs. Orr and I did some internet research and decided that I probably tore my ACL, so now the plan is to visit an orthopedic urgent care clinic a couple of towns over. I’ve been icing the knee for 20 minutes every two hours, and I’m wearing a knee brace that I had bought back when I hyperextended my knee years ago. I haven’t found a way to use my cane effectively, because it requires that I do put some weight on the knee for just an instant, and the pain is intolerable in these attempts. I’ve improvised a walker, utilizing one of the stools from the kitchen bar. If I put my weight on my hands and left leg, I can avoid putting sufficient weight on the right knee to make me squeal like a wiener on a barbecue.
And here we were, just a few days ago, talking about the need to stay away from hospitals and doctors. With one little poorly-timed twist, I have consigned myself to tumbling into the medical maw, in which I firmly trust not.
We’ll see.
I’m thinking we probably won’t be strolling around Dollywood this weekend, as we had planned. Ah, well.
~ S.K. Orr
I hope you recover soon.
I’m very empathetic, as I’ve been dealing with knee pain for years, though nothing like the catastrophic event you have suffered. I finally took the plunge and had surgery last month. Sending you prayers for a good Doc and a good solution and a speedy recovery.
I appreciate your kindness very much< Annie. I think your prayers have been at least partially answered at this time, and will post an update shortly. I hope you are recovering well from your knee surgery. I know the recovery is rough, but most people I know who have had knee replacement surgery have told me that they were very glad they did it.
I feel for you brother. Never had a knee issue, but when I had the left hip replaced my surgeon told me that a cane should never be used for support, ballance only.
The walker is the best way to go. Prayers will be offered my friend.
Thank you for your prayers and your friendship, James. The walker has definitely been helping.
Craig Davis
Fortunately for you, that type of injury is something the medical professionals in the U.S. are actually good at dealing with. Don’t be afraid to get second or third opinions though. Some of the orthopedic doctors like to fund their speedboats with unnecessary surgeries. Wishing you a quick recovery.
Thank you, Craig. I appreciate your kind wishes. I’ll post an update here shortly…
William James Tychonievich
I wish you a speedy recovery!
(Oh, and I see what you did there with the title.)
Hey WJT, good to hear from you, my brother. Hope all is well with you. I appreciate the good wishes. Me? Up to wordplay trickery? Perish the thought! I’m a big admirer of Prince Harry’s wife…
Get well soon!
Thanks very much, ChokingOnRedPills. Trying my best….