Bluebelle,  Daily Life,  Jinx,  Photographs,  Reflections

Two Years Gone

Today marks two years since Bluebelle came to live with us.

We still marvel at how this came to be. Jinx’s own littermate was abandoned just as she was, several miles from our farm, and for some strange coincidental reason, I just happened to look at the local animal shelter’s website — something I had never done before nor had any reason for doing — and saw the photo of the little girl. We paid a visit to the shelter and within ten seconds knew this was Jinx’s sister. His former owner had told us about Bluebelle and her beautiful markings. We had no idea we would ever have the chance to take her in.

She and Jinx, once reunited, immediately became devoted to each other and inseparable, like the fictional Old Dan & Little Ann from “Where The Red Fern Grows.” They remain thick as thieves, always together, always scheming, forever romping and egging each other on.

We love our wild Borneo hounds. We can do no other.

~ S.K. Orr


  • James

    I posted this already but apparently I missed a step.

    Anyway, I don’t think things like this happen simply by chance. These two were meant to be a set.

    • admin

      I am in complete agreement, James. I don’t believe in chance or coincidence. I could spend an entire day listing things that some would dismiss as “coincidence,” but which I know were NOT mere chance nor luck.

      Those two dogs were meant to be reunited. I’m just glad it was our home in which this occurred.

      Against long odds.