Twilight In The Mountains

Well, friends, time has come to move on.
Mrs. Orr made it through her surgery very well, and recovered completely, and is feeling much improved. We want to thank all of you who prayed for her. Your prayers and friendship are so very much appreciated.
We find ourselves in a phase of this life in which so many things are different, so many things unsure, so many things bombarding us from all directions. In other words, this is a typical phase of life.
So it’s time to draw down the shades on this blog. I will be moving it to a free WordPress site in order not to lose the content I’ve authored here over the years. Check back here for an update of the new blog site.
I want to thank each and every one of you who has stopped by to read and comment. I have learned much from y’all, not the least of which is how gracious and generous and delightful people can be. Perhaps on the other side, in the next life, we will get to meet.
On behalf of Mrs. Orr, Jinx, and Bluebelle, we wish you all the very best. Thank you for sharing in our quirky little lives for a few short years.
In the meantime, Godspeed to you all. Keep your chins up and your shoulders back. The world is growing darker, but it cannot control our interior lives. May they be as bright as the Sun.
S.K. Orr
Things are going well here and I hope you can say the same.
You are missed here (by many other than me I expect). I’m sure that I am not alone in checking in here fairly often in hopes of seeing a link to the new site.
In the mean time, bless you and yours brother.
At this stage I don’t know if this will go anywhere or not but please feel free to email me any time.
I’m glad to hear that the surgery went well. I wish you both well.
Wishing you the best on your new journey!
Keep spreading your light wherever you go.
You will be missed.
Many thanks, Lauren. You’ve been a bright spot in this sometimes cloudy world.
Francis Berger
Sorry to hear about the end of the blog but understand why it must be so.
I enjoyed reading here over the years and kept you linked through my blog in the hope that it may garner you a few more readers. I also appreciate your review of my novel.
Anyway, all the best to you and yours. Your voice will be missed.
Francis, thank you so much for all your support. And thank you for the copy of your novel you sent. I remain impressed at how you pulled off such a massive undertaking, and with such skill.
And don’t count me out just yet! This blog will become moribund soon, but that’s because of the increasing cost of maintaining a doman name, etc. We’ve pinching pennies these days…but I plan to export this material over to a free WordPress blog, which I’ll announce here (hopefully) before they board up the windows and cancel the utilities.
Thanks again, so much, for your kindness. I will continue to read and enjoy your blog. After all, you’re my only connection to the cuckoo!
Good to hear (after a fashion) from you again my friend. All seems well with you and yours and I’m looking forward to the new pages.
God bless brother.
James, thank you. You’ve been such a steadfast and solid friend, in all weathers. I hope you’re doing well. And let me just say in advance, Herppy Juneteenf!