I Never Thought I'd Be In This Situation

  • Church Life,  Daily Life,  I Never Thought I'd Be In This Situation,  Quotations,  Reflections

    Sean G’s Thoughts

    Over at his site, my bloggenbruder Sean G has posted some superb observations about the assumptions we make about certain aspects of life as they might be continued — or discontinued — in Heaven. In this taut, sinewy post (which I highly recommend you read), Sean points out the, well, silliness (my word, not his) of the typical Christian view of what family, sleep, and adventure might look like after death for those who believe on Christ. I remember a very respected Presbyterian pastor weeping during a sermon he preached when Mrs. Orr and I were in attendance. He said something to the effect that “I have a hard time…

  • I Never Thought I'd Be In This Situation

    Blog Problem

    I’ve been trying for several days to log in and post here, but I keep getting a message when I try to sign in to WordPress. The message says, “Sorry, you are not allowed to view this page.” I’ve tried contacting the Help people, but so far, I can’t make a connection. I had a thought and came to my blog via the link on Francis Berger’s blog, and it allowed me to log in and post this. I have no idea what’s going on or how long it will take to fix, but I just wanted to say that we are alive and well, though technologically challenged. Until I…

  • Church Life,  Daily Life,  I Never Thought I'd Be In This Situation,  Lectio Divina,  Prayers,  Reflections

    Slight Return

    I was a gangly skint-kneed sliver of a boy of eleven when I became a Christian. The term we used then was “getting saved,” and I got saved at a summertime Vacation Bible School worship service to which I had been invited by my best friend. Since that first terrifying moment when I stepped out into the aisle to make my way down front, feeling as if an invisible hand were pushing me along, my path has looped around to some interesting landmarks. I started out at the Church of the Nazarene, then faded into twilight in my teen years as I visited but never committed to a number of…

  • Daily Life,  I Never Thought I'd Be In This Situation,  Jinx,  Reflections

    Gate Of Heaven

    I worked from home today, an experience which was not as peaceful as I had anticipated. But I enjoyed the solitude very much, and in spite of my many mistakes and blind alleys, I had a productive day. It was also nice to be able to take the dogs outside and stretch my legs whenever I wanted. While wearing a t-shirt and shorts. And snacking on pork skins. In bare feet. With Jackie Gleason playing the background. How many of you know who Jackie Gleason was? Many have watched the old “The Honeymooners” sitcom on television. Some of you likely have seen Gleason’s masterful performance as Minnesota Fats in the…

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  • Daily Life,  I Never Thought I'd Be In This Situation,  Jinx,  Reflections


      I stood out in the back yard this morning just before dawn, looking up at the gourd birdhouses and listening to the gradual crescendo of birdsong as the eastern sky brightened by degrees. I thought back to yesterday, a singularly grueling day, wasting my finite hours in the company of people with whom I have nothing in common, hours in which I was forced to work with my alleged “supervisor,” a younger woman so vapid, so mean-spirited, so coarse, so comprehensively ugly that I am tempted to think I live and breathe under God’s curse. But such thoughts make me recoil with that familiar jerking reflex action. You’re not…

  • Daily Life,  I Never Thought I'd Be In This Situation,  Prayers,  Quotations,  Reflections

    Coming Apart

    “And he said to them: Come apart into a desert place, and rest a little..” — Mark 6:31a (Douay-Rheims Version) Time has come for me to step away from blogging for a while, my friends. I would like to put a good, stoic face on things and say that I’m just taking a summer break. But the truth is that I am increasingly weary… physically, mentally, spiritually, and emotionally. The cares of this world have gotten me in a pretty good headlock, and I simply don’t have the force to push back right now. Many years ago, I heard an old Baptist preacher say, “If we don’t come apart for…

  • Daily Life,  Dreams,  Holy Days,  I Never Thought I'd Be In This Situation,  Prayers,  Reflections

    Can Anything Good….

    ….come out of Africa? Here I am — behold me, a Southern man in whom there is considerable guile. I spent the day walking beneath a haze, a film of wind-blown filth from the dark continent. The normally sparkling mountain air was impure, casting a mosquito net of dark, obscuring Saharan dust across my green mountains and valleys. When the spattering, sporadic showers came, they left muddy smudges on the sleek surfaces they coated. My eyes and nose seemed to sting a bit, and the world felt…hidden. What are those words with similar meanings? Occult. Apocalypse. Jinx and I walked by a neighbor’s fields, and three horses gamboled in the…

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  • Church Life,  Daily Life,  I Never Thought I'd Be In This Situation,  Reflections

    Gray Matters

    Perhaps it’s the weather. The humidity holds everything close to the ground, makes everything sit on the skin and hang in the senses. My thoughts are that way these days. I’ve been thinking about patterns in my life, especially my perception of myself and my strengths and weaknesses through the years. It’s not very pleasant to honestly face certain truths about myself, and one of those truths is that I spent most of my life believing that I was a lot smarter than I really am. Encountering a few really brilliant men in person didn’t show me the contrast right away, but the perspective provided by the passing years has…

  • Daily Life,  I Never Thought I'd Be In This Situation,  Prayers,  Reflections

    Day Of Sighs

    I drove to work, almost able to see the miasma of lies and evil hanging like summer fog in the air through which I moved. Natural beauty almost always lifts me out of myself and helps me forget the ugliness within and without, but yesterday, I could feel it affecting me, entering my spirit’s lungs, sickening me. Arriving at my office and parking in my usual spot beneath the tree, I did not want to leave the shelter of my vehicle, did not want to cross that parking lot, did not want to enter that building where profit is king and spiritual realities are, at best, sneer-fodder. I wanted to…

  • Daily Life,  I Never Thought I'd Be In This Situation,  Lectio Divina,  Prayers,  Reflections

    Reliable Light

    It’s a curious thing, a purely human situation, to propose to accomplish something and to saturate the attempt with prayer and focus and keen energy….and then to have the door slammed in one’s face and the word “NO!” shouted into one’s ear with the terrible power of God’s own acoustics. My wife and I are sitting in our little farmhouse as the dark covers the grassy acres outside. We are stunned with the rapidity with which all the things we had hoped for in this past week fell apart and melted into nothingness. I don’t think we have given into despair, but it feels like despair. Disappointment and disillusionment and…