• Daily Life,  I Never Thought I'd Be In This Situation,  Memoirs,  Photographs,  Reflections

    The Pencil Seller

    When I was a boy, I used to see an old blind man outside the Kress’s store on Main Street in our town. He would sit on a little chair outside the back entrance, wearing his dark glasses, his white cane propped against his leg. He would hold out a tin cup and would extend a fistful of white pencils in the other hand, all the while hawking his wares with his impeded speech. He would say “PEN-suls! PEN-suls!” over and over. Every once in a while, some benevolent soul would stop and say “I’ll take two,” etc. and drop coins into his cup. The old man would nod in…

  • Daily Life,  Holy Days,  Memoirs,  Mrs. Orr,  Photographs,  Reflections

    Draws Near

    From now on, to the end of this blog, I’m going to try to just put it all down as it comes to me, for good or for ill. All I can do is place my memories and my thoughts on the palette, and daub from there. *** I went to the landfill today to dump our accumulated week’s worth of trash. It was pleasant to cross over the mountain, down through the pass and into the valley where Daniel Boone labored and fought, all without a 401(k) or a Facebook page. The mountains still have a tinge of green on them, owing to the presence of good conifers, and…

  • Bluebelle,  Books,  Daily Life,  Dixee,  Holy Days,  Jinx,  Movies,  Mrs. Orr,  Photographs,  Reflections

    Second Sunday in Advent

    We attended a Christmas party  last night, the only one to which we’ll show up this year, except for the upcoming annual gathering with eldest son and his clan, to which will be added a son in late January. The party wasn’t excruciating, and we were well fed. We don’t eat a lot of beef these days because of the high cost, but I made up for it last night. Extremely tender beef tenderloin, a nice herbed chicken, green beans, lumpy mashed potatoes (and that is NOT a complaint), salad, and rolls, and started off with chicken salad, crab rangoon, pimento cheese, and several other finger foods and croo dee…

  • Church Life,  Daily Life,  Holy Days,  I Never Thought I'd Be In This Situation,  Photographs,  Prayers,  Quotations,  Reflections

    Mourning Becomes Advent

    As the Christmas season approaches, I find that I am filled with a low-grade dread. While Christmastime was once a wonderous time for me, the degradation of the world in my lifetime has brought me to a place where I pretty much despise this time of year. I have no new observations to offer; many people already roundly denounce the commercialization of the season in which we celebrate the birth of Christ. It has become a filthy, tawdry, grasping, shoving time, a time in which people stand outside shopping centers and ring a bell for a now-flaccid organization whose focus is hateful and ridiculous to many of the bell-ringers themselves.…

  • Bluebelle,  Church Life,  Daily Life,  Holy Days,  Jinx,  Lectio Divina,  Movies,  Photographs,  Prayers,  Quotations,  Reflections,  Saints

    The Fourth Sunday of Advent

    This past week the weather was so warm it felt like May. The spotted dogs and I had the opportunity to take many pleasant walks, and I felt as if my body and soul were being scrubbed by the clean air I drew deeply into my lungs. I spent much of the week pondering my gratitude for my health and that of Mrs. Orr and all of our family. More than ever, I believe it’s important to stay out of the hospital and far from health care facilities if at all possible. Once again, I will refer you to the indefatigable Anne Barnhardt. One of her recent podcasts featuring an…

  • Church Life,  Daily Life,  Holy Days,  I Never Thought I'd Be In This Situation,  Movies,  Photographs,  Reflections

    The First Sunday of Advent

    It’s been cold in a raw, bone-grinding way the past week, and we’ve burned a lot of wood in the evenings to keep things cozy. These days, the hostility of the petty and screeching world outside contrasts so dramatically with the peace found within the family walls, and I spend much of my time maintaining the chasm that separates the two Almost a year ago, Mrs. Orr and I watched Terence Malick’s haunting film A Hidden Life, and I was so moved that I wrote a blog post about it. I re-watched the movie yesterday and was affected even more forcefully by the similarity to what happened to the quiet…

  • Church Life,  Daily Life,  Reflections

    The Epi-Tome of Coziness

    Full disclosure here — the photo above was taken almost five years ago…we have no snow on the ground here today. I use it here because when I stepped outside this morning, the weeping willow — larger now — was festooned with cardinals just like in this photo. I didn’t have my phone with me, so I have no photo, and it wouldn’t have been as dramatic as the one from 2015. Male cardinals have an endearing habit. They cock their little scarlet heads to the side when looking at something. You can see them doing the math. You can almost see their nonexistent eyebrows knitting together in concentration. You…

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