• Daily Life,  Mrs. Orr,  Music,  Photographs,  Reflections

    Up The Irons

    I’m tired and my eyes are grainy from much reading, so nothing deep or meaningful today. The recent Chinese balloon incident was very amusing to me, mostly because of the response of the mature, seasoned, and reasonable adults who rule over us. Of particular interest was the crowing about how impressive the fighter jet pilot was, the fellow who shot the thing down. Yes, I was thunderstruck by the difficulty of firing a projectile into an object the size of — what was it they said? — three city buses. With skills like that, the military should be reasonably expected to be able to hit an elephant. IF it swallowed…

  • Daily Life,  Photographs,  Reflections

    Make The Man

    I recently celebrated the 43rd anniversary of the day I stood on the grinder (parade deck) at MCRD San Diego and received my Eagle, Globe, and Anchor and officially became a United States Marine. It’s still difficult to believe that so much time has passed. I look at old USMC photos of myself and I think, not for the first time, “That used to be me. But it isn’t anymore.” I saw recently that the stubby little comedian/actor who’s allegedly running the show in the Ukraine sauntered into Washington DC (soon to be known as Tubman, Districto Federale, and thanks to Severian for that witty sobriquet) to meet with Whaddaya Know…

  • Daily Life,  I Never Thought I'd Be In This Situation,  Movies,  Mrs. Orr,  Music,  Reflections


    I utterly despise the media, whether the news, popular culture, or what passes for “art” these days. A question came to me this evening and I turned to express it to my wife. “When’s the last time you heard anyone mention monkey pox?” She laughed, because she knew what I was getting at. Before that stumpy, swarthy little illegitimate comedian’s appearance before Congress today in his grimy gym suit, how many of you had heard anything about Ukraine (formerly known as the Ukraine) in the news in recent days? Do chefs still prepare chicken Kiev, or is it now chicken KEEEEEEEV? Covid is apparently cured completely, with flu and RSV…

  • Church Life,  Daily Life,  Movies,  Mrs. Orr,  Photographs,  Quotations,  Reflections

    To Roam Through The New Earth

    Heeding the news or pundits or bloggers about what’s going on in the world is like listening to preachers expound on the book of Revelation. None of them really knows what he’s talking about. It’s naïve speculation at best, and cynical self-centered grandstanding at worst. I grew up listening to sermons and skimming booklets that “proved” that Richard Nixon was the Beast, or that Henry Kissinger was the antichrist. And where are those authors now? Look at the current crop of blathering boys & girls, ignorant of both history and human nature, standing atop their picnic tables and waving their arms about. They, too, will be completely forgotten someday. Any…

  • Church Life,  Holy Days,  Prayers,  Quotations

    From Archbishop Vigano’s Pastoral Intervention

    In this recently released pastoral text, Archbishop Vigano directly and forcefully addresses the manner in which the Church (and all the churches) has become indistinguishable from the corporate structures now clamoring to blend into the Great Reset. We have understood, in these times of crisis, that whoever is constituted in authority is now disconnected from those over whom he holds command. The so-called pandemic has shown that those who govern are obedient to the orders of supranational powers, while citizens are deprived of their rights, and any form of dissent is censored or psychiatrized, according to a recent felicitous expression. The same thing happens in the Church: the highest levels of…

  • Daily Life,  I Never Thought I'd Be In This Situation,  Jinx,  Prayers,  Reflections

    Tang In The Air

    Last night, Mrs. Orr and our little elderly dog Dixee accompanied Jinx and me when we went for our twilight walk. The sun, far below the horizon and providing just a rosy glow, gave an otherworldly cast to the air. The stars were already visible, little faraway dots of fire, and man and wife talked in hushed tones between the mowed pastures while the dogs scampered and explored. This morning, when Jinx and I went out into the lightly-frosted world, I was almost in a trance of joy, drinking in the pre-dawn chilled purity of morning, the air better than any drink or drug. I remember as a teenager, taking…

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  • Daily Life,  Jinx,  Music,  Reflections

    One Day More

    Another electric color day in these mountains. The month is half over, which means the scenery will soon diminish and dull itself. But for now, it is a boon to the soul. I did a bit of spray painting when I got home this evening. Didn’t seem like that big of a deal. But then I walked into the bathroom and saw myself in the mirror. I think I screamed. Cirque du Face. Tragic, tragic times. Did you know that errant spray paint can affect the little hairs inside one’s nostrils? *** When Jinx and I walked this evening, the bats were thick in the air over us, swooping and…

  • Church Life,  Daily Life,  Holy Days,  I Never Thought I'd Be In This Situation,  Lectio Divina,  Prayers,  Reflections

    Lourdes, Lourdes

    I’ve avoided writing about the current health scare for the same reason that I’ve avoided talking about it at length. There are too many sources of disparate, conflicting information, almost none of whom I trust, and I lack both the intellectual rigor and the sort of personality that delights in wading through all this dismal stuff. I suppose my stance on this situation is akin to my grandmother’s. I remember one day in the Seventies when a young plumber tried to engage her in a conversation about diet and heart disease. He presented all sorts of facts and figures in an evangelist’s voice, his eyes shining in his earnest face.…

  • Church Life,  Daily Life,  Lectio Divina,  Prayers,  Quotations,  Reflections

    A Deep Failure

    “I am more and more impressed by the fact that it is largely futile to get up and make statements about current problems. At the same time, I know that silent acquiescence in evil is also out of the question. I know too that there are times when protest is inescapable, even when it seems as useless as beating your head up against a brick wall. At the same time, when protest simply becomes an act of desperation, it loses its power to communicate anything to anyone who does not share the same feelings of despair. There is of course no need to comment on the uselessness of false optimism,…

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