Coof Positive
My beloved wife has the Covid. She’s positive for the ‘Rona. She has been stricken with The Chinese Lung Aids (hat tip to Ann Barnhardt for that little phrase). She all eat up wif de Coof. She’s been smitten with the Birdemic. She’s been assaulted by the Kung Flu, laid low by the Chyna Vyrus. She developed a fever last night and was very achey and flu-ish. We did a home test that we’d been given and we got the positive result in 10 minutes. The main concern has been chest congestion, which is the one thing that truly causes her distress. We’ve been treating her with Ivermectin (again, thanks,…
Aches And Pains
Sometimes I feel ancient. When I do, I look over at the little Texas girl I married, and I remember, and it all softens down into gratitude and the fullness of life that only comes with quiet ruminations, heads close together, shared sighs, shared tears, shared worries, conversations without human speech. We’re together. And for me, together is enough, because even death will see us holding on with the grip of love. Of love. ~ S.K. Orr
The Seventh Of October
The older I get, the less patience I have for men who follow their wives around like little dogs, forever gazing up at Her Highness to see if she will drop a crumb of attention or affection or approval. I feel the same about grown men who let their children dominate their lives. Such men seem to be forever grinning. I do not understand the surface appearance of mirth in desperately sad men. That being said, today is a supremely important day because it is my beloved wife’s birthday. While I am not nor have I ever been one of those fawning, submissive husbands, I love my wife deeply and…