• Daily Life,  I Never Thought I'd Be In This Situation,  Mrs. Orr,  Photographs,  Reflections


    This morning my wife headed down into town. She had only been gone about fifteen minutes, and I had just poured myself another cup of coffee and wedged myself between the spotted twins on the couch when my phone rang. It was Mrs. Orr, and I immediately knew something was wrong. I heard her address me by the term of affection the grandchildren use, PeePaw, and I heard something in her voice and said, “What’s wrong? Are you okay?” And I listened as she told me that she had just gotten down to the bottom of the mountain and was near our little post office when two deer streaked out…

  • Daily Life,  I Never Thought I'd Be In This Situation,  Jinx,  Prayers,  Quotations,  Reflections

    That’s The Deal

    When I arrived home this evening, something was different. Jinx wasn’t there to greet me. He is always either lying in front of the door, or sprawled in the grass, or he comes running from the back porch, and he greets me with all the I’m-so-glad-to-see-you-again joy that characterizes our daily reunions. But this evening, he was absent. He’s a rake and a rambler, and I know he sometimes strikes out for the Territories, or at least for the Baskervilles up behind the house, but by the time I had changed clothes, fed Dixee, and prepared his supper, Jinx still hadn’t appeared. And I began to be uneasy. I walked…

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