• Books,  Daily Life,  Movies,  Mrs. Orr,  Music,  Photographs,  Reflections

    Last Saturday in the Fall

    The good news is that Joy Cartwright is feeling much better, and I am grateful. The bad news is that I am feeling pretty crappy. Started feeling very droopy yesterday after, with all those flulike symptoms of dizziness, achy bones, flushed face, sneezing, completed congested head, etc. It’s been a real fun time and I’m trying not to re-gift it to Mrs. Orr. *** Speaking of Mrs. Orr, she took the oldest granddaughters out yesterday for their birthday. They wanted Chinese, and so after they ate, they asked their MeeMaw to take them to a used bookstore they particularly enjoy. Yes, they are definitely our granddaughters with their hunger for…

  • Daily Life,  Jinx

    Out With The Old, China Excavations, & In With The New

    The HVAC team told me they would be here at 0900 this morning. At precisely 0855, they were rolling up to the house. They unloaded the new units, indoor and outdoor, and set to work. Several complications ensured, with trips back to the shop to fabricate a metal box to facilitate easier joining to the ductwork, and quite a bit of excavation in order to securely set in the new indoor unit. They’re digging as I type this, in fact. I’ve already claimed dibs on any arrowheads, musket balls, or casks of Amontillado they might uncover. I feel awash in technology today. Here I am, tapping on a device that…