• Daily Life,  I Never Thought I'd Be In This Situation,  Memoirs,  Photographs,  Reflections


    He was not my kin, but perhaps someday I will find that he was, after all, one of my people. My only connection to him is long gone from my life, an ill-fated romance birthed in high school. But she introduced me to Paw, and so I am somewhat indebted to her for bringing me into his eccentric and loveable orbit. Paw was what we used to call a coon-ass, born and bred down in Louisiana’s swamp country, that murky and mystical patch of America with its legends and lore, its distinctive patois and food all a part of the myths of the Cajun people. He and his wife, Granny,…

  • I Never Thought I'd Be In This Situation,  Memoirs,  Reflections

    Time Spent

    I spent a couple of hours last night rearranging the furniture in the family room in anticipation of the coming cold weather. I moved our chairs near the wood stove and moved out some of the other fixtures. A bit of sweat, a lot of groaning, and it almost looked like a new room. My old dog sat at my feet after I was done and looked at me as if to say, “Well, that was interesting….” Today is an anniversary of sorts. On this day, way back in the Seventies, I boarded a jet for my first airplane ride and streaked out west to stand on the yellow footprints…

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