Daily Life,  I Never Thought I'd Be In This Situation

Jacketed By Grief

My beloved Bonnie

My wife and I returned the other day from a lovely, happy trip back home to visit family in Texas. I had planned to post a summary of our vacation once we’d settled back in.

My plans came to a sudden and shattering stop this morning when I arose from sleep to let the dogs outside and make coffee. My dog was right where she’d been when I went to bed last night, almost in the exact same position. But the old girl had died in her sleep. She had gone away forever, exiting my life in the space of a mere six hours, taking her warmth and her presence and her protection with her, leaving behind a library of memories so fine and so sharp that they are even now knifing at my innards.

She was my constant companion, my ride-along buddy, my honest and unwavering friend. And now she is gone and I must try to make sense of the meaning of her life as it meshed with my life and my wife’s life and our family life.

I will try to write a reflection about this beautiful girl in the coming week, when I am able. In the meantime, to those of you who pray, I would ask that you pray for my wife and me. We are grieving, truly and deeply. My thanks to those of you who do pray for us.

~S.K. Orr


  • William James Tychonievich

    I have tried several times to post my condolences here but have been blocked every time under suspicion of being a “bot.” I hope this one gets through. I’m sorry for your loss. Having lost close friends of a number of species myself, I know how very painful it can be.

    • admin

      I’m glad your comment made it through, William, and thank you for your sympathy. It means a lot coming from someone like yourself who does feel deeply about the little creatures who are all around us.

  • Craig Davis

    S.K., I know hard it is to lose a beloved dog. I don’t think anything can be said to ease the pain. Please know that my thoughts, prayers and tears are with you and your wife.

  • Francis Berger

    I am sorry to hear about your loss, S.K. When you lose a beloved pet, you lose a beloved member of your family. There’s really other way of approaching it.