Daily Life,  I Never Thought I'd Be In This Situation,  Reflections

Cause And Effect And So Forth

While getting ready for work this morning, I thought of the bicyclist I used to see every morning on the side of the road near my office. It’s been months since I last saw him, and I spent some time speculating about where he is and what happened to him. Did he find another job? Move? Get injured?

I put the bicyclist out of my mind and went about my morning routine. I left for work and spent the drive in the half-daydreaming, half-praying state so common to me. About a mile from my office, there he was, on the side of the road, pedaling steadily up the incline. I lifted my hand and said a prayer for the man.

At work, I thought of the timing. No thought given to this fellow in months, then I thought of him this morning, and then I saw him within an hour. I could immerse myself in thoughts of mystery and wonder.

And then the mystery and wonder faded once I settled in at work. The hot topic of conversation was the rilly rilly rilly awful aches and pains being suffered by my coworkers as a result of the Covid vaccines they’ve received. Some have missed work with these reactions, which range from soreness to flulike symptoms to crushing headaches to dizziness to fever.

I sat and thought, You willingly submitted to having an unknown substance injected into your body, the temple of the Holy Spirit, with the knowledge that aborted babies make up at least part of the ingredients of this stuff, a vaccine rushed through in order to placate a panicked population, pushed to fever pitch by parasitic politicians working for greedy pharmaceutical companies who won’t even be held legally liable if you die from these injections…and you want someone to feel sorry for you because you’re feeling under the weather?

I live in a beautiful place, but the people who live here are just as alien and scary to me as people in New York City or Calcutta.

Thanks be to Christ for men who ride bicycles in the snow to their places of work, and for scarlet cardinals in the white fields.

~ S.K. Orr


  • Francis Berger

    I agree with the sentiments you expressed in the paragraph that begins, “I sat and thought . . . ”

    On a side note, it’s great to hear the cyclist is still around, and by all appearances, doing well.

    • admin

      Thanks, Francis. I, too, was glad to see my nameless “friend” on the side of the road again.

      Good stuff over at your blog, too…