Daily Life,  Jinx,  Photographs,  Reflections

May’s First Week

I took advantage of the mild, warm weather on Saturday and tackled a project I’ve long been delaying…cleaning out the small barn. I figured I’d get it done during the morning, and then use the afternoon to clean out and organize the old goat shed so I could use it as a firewood shed.

Ah, the best-laid plans. The small barn took all day, and I have been paying for it ever since. While I slept the last two nights, some imp from below snuck into our home and poured ground glass into the base of my spine, along my shoulders, into the soles of my feet, and behind my knees.

At one point during the weekend, Jinx found the intact skin of a five-foot long blacksnake. He reacted to it as if it were alive. I found it fascinating, it being THE most intact skin I’ve ever examined. From the details of the eyes down to the last inch of the tail, it was remarkable. I took a photo with my shoe for scale:

The belly section in particular was savagely beautiful, the overlapping scales, the symmetry. I am entranced at how the little beasts get out of their old skins without tearing them all to pieces. I suppose it’s all in finding the perfect place to brace against. This fellow shed his old skin between two rocks that border a tree in the back yard next to the porch.

Since he matches me step for step when I am working around the farm, Jinx was quite tired at the end of the weekend, too. While Mrs. Orr and I relaxed on Saturday night with a movie and some homemade strawberry shortcake, Jinx snored loudly enough to make us wonder if he’d swallowed some foreign object.

Here it is, Tuesday morning, and I’m still exhausted. Perhaps in a day or so, I’ll be recovered enough to write something more bracing. If not, I’ll simply post more photos of the creatures of God that inhabit these few lush and wondrous acres.

~ S.K. Orr


  • Carol

    Hi S.K.,
    This was a difficult post for me to read, as I have an intense aversion to ‘nonlegged’ reptiles –
    – but the Jinx images (both literal and mental) were well worth having to avert my eyes thru the middle part 😀

    I want to offer a suggestion for your joint pain:

    I have severe arthritis in the lumbar region of my spine, and Turmeric (the spice) really helps me…

    You can either buy it as a supplement in capsule form (likely right in your regular grocery or drug store), or have Mrs. Orr start using it liberally in her cooking (or both, which is probably the most beneficial option).

    The main thing to remember is that it needs to be ingested with black pepper in order for the body to be able to assimilate it…
    …if you do supplements, make sure to pick one that includes black pepper (sometimes listed as piperine, or Bioperine).

    If you do a search on ‘Turmeric for pain’, you’ll get tons of info (as well as innumerable ads for supplement brands), they even have gummie (chewable) versions out there these days..

    As with any ‘natural’ healthcare, it may take several weeks before you can feel the difference, but I do think you’ll find it worth trying.

    • admin

      Carol,many thanks for the recommendations for my arthritis. I’m a believer in natural remedies. A pen-friend of mine who is a physician made some recommendations of natural supplements for me to take to help with my memory problems, and the supplements have helped me indeed. So I’ll look into your recommendations very seriously. I especially appreciate the helpful info like taking black pepper along with the turmeric. Any relief would be worth it. I’ll let you know how I progress. Thank you again, my friend.