Daily Life,  I Never Thought I'd Be In This Situation,  Jinx,  Photographs,  Prayers,  Reflections

For A Taste

Jinx and I were on the road this morning as the world came alive to the day. I awoke with a gimpy knee for some unknown reason, so I walked slowly behind the dog as he scoured the fields for his meat & drink: delight in all things.

I prayed a bit while scanning the horizon. Do you hear me, Sky-decker? Bird-painter? Are you aware of my thoughts, of my misgivings? 

And I watched Jinx as he loped down the hill and crossed the road in front of me, tail hooked over his back, grinning like a car salesman. He was not fretting about some slight he’d suffered at the hands of another. He was not worried about paying a bill. He was devouring it all, digesting it as he went, and the pure enjoyment was coming out of his fur-covered pores. And my prayer changed and became more honest.

Would you ever give me just a taste, just a taste of the thinnest slice of that kind of joy?

The morning sky, full of birdsong and skyfire as it was, remained silent to my questions. But it was good, and I smiled and even laughed a little as I followed the spotted dog back to the house where we live.

~ S.K. Orr


  • Genie

    Yes! I feel the same watching the fat squirrels that have figured out how to get the bird seed feeder to produce the goodies, much to the chagrin of the birds. I love the first photo! I am up in the North Georgia mountains tending my father, so your blog and all my other morning reads – Welcome distraction! G-d is teaching me that I am unable to release my anxiety and give him control -or should that be finally acknowledge ONLY He has control – but lots of praying and beautiful views will hopefully work the same magic for me. Jinx joy. 😉

    • admin

      Many thanks, Genie. North Georgia…that’s a pretty area. I hope all is well with your father, and with your interior life. Blessings to you.