A Little Dog

If you are the sort of person who prays for animals, please pray for our little elderly dog, Dixee. She is undergoing surgery today. A few years back, she developed a cancerous growth and was treated for this. A new, more sinister-looking growth has appeared on her leg and surgery is needed not only to remove it, but also to biopsy it and arrive at a prognosis.
Our main concern is that due to her age and increasing frailty, the general anesthesia may be too much for her. We are prepared emotionally if she doesn’t survive the surgery, but I would still ask for your prayers, that the veterinary surgeon would be skillful and perceptive, and that no matter what happens, Dixee would endure no suffering nor pain. Mrs. Orr is very nervous about Dixee’s making it through the procedure, and I am worried as well. She is a dear little dog who had a very rough life before she came into our home.
Saint Francis of Assisi, pray for Dixee. Through Christ our Lord, amen.
~ S.K. Orr
Doing well is good to hear.
Thanks and prayers will continue tonight.
Again, we appreciate you so much, James.
I will keep Dixee in my prayers. Please let us know how she is doing.
Lewis, thank you so much. She is sleeping peacefully right now. Mrs. Orr is going to spend the night next to her, just for her peace of mind.
James, I appreciate it, brother. Mrs. Orr just called from the vet clinic…Dixee is still in surgery but seems to be doing well.