Dixee,  Prayers

Dixee Update

The little girl made it through her surgery, and we are grateful. She’s limping like a fuzzy tripod, and unhappy with the much-needed cone, and we’re so happy she’s here with us and breathing her way into the next day of Holy Week.

My sincerest thanks to James and Lewis and any of you who prayed for this scroungy little gray girl. We do appreciate it so much.

~ S.K. Orr


  • Carol

    Glad to know Dixee came thru the surgery!
    I did have her in prayer that day, but then life/time sped by and I only just now remembered to check how she was doing…
    I pray the pain is under control now and that her recovery will continue smoothly.

    • admin

      Thank you, Carol…Mrs. Orr and I appreciate the prayers. Dixee is coming along pretty well. We were worried that she was going to have a horrible limp, but she seems to be doing better than we expected. She detests the Cone O’ Shame, and I’m glad she only has to wear it another week. She looks like she’s trying to pull in satellite signals from Elbonia….

      Thank you again for your prayers and your friendship.

  • Craig Davis

    I didn’t see this until today, so I will pray for a speedy recovery. Give her a little extra attention on my behalf.

    • admin

      Thank you, Craig, very much. She’s been in quite a bit of pain, so Mrs. Orr had the vet call in some extra pain medicine for her. My wife sat up with her most of the night, so neither of them got much sleep. Tonight, I’m drugging EVERYONE except myself and they’re all going to bed. I’ll sleep on the couch with Dixee in her bed on the floor next to me, in case she tries to worry with the stitches. Thank you again for your prayers and your kind thoughts.