Daily Life,  I Never Thought I'd Be In This Situation,  Mrs. Orr,  Reflections

Still Here

The days have sifted through my fingers and are piled in drifts at my feet. Where did they go? Where?

We’ve been mired in things automotive, trying to get our car back from the body shop, who ultimately didn’t total her, but said she is fixable. We’ll see.

I’ve also been spending quite a bit of time researching jobs. I was so excited to get my current work-from-home position, but the phrase “out of the frying pan, into the fire” has taken on a new immediacy for me. At my age, finding something rewarding and do-able is daunting. Still, one must try.

All this to say, I’m still here, dear readers. I can’t promise regular or interesting updates, but when and if the mood hits me, I’ll try posting here as often as I can. In the meantime, Mrs. Orr and I would appreciate your prayers for my job situation. We do believe in the mystery of prayer, and are grateful for any that are lifted to Heaven on our behalf.

~ S.K. Orr


  • Sean Goes

    New jobs are stressful without the surprises. May you find something better than what you were looking for. Sorry I haven’t commented or read much the last year. My new job has consumed me. God bless you and your family.

  • Carol

    Glad to ‘hear from you’, S.K. – though sorry the ‘new’ job has not turned out rewarding as hoped!

    Will definitely be praying something better comes along for you!

    God Bless and keep you, your household, and all your dispersed loved ones!!

    • admin

      Thank you, Carol, my friend. Yes, the new job has been a real learning experience. Interesting how unabashed people are about blatantly misrepresenting certain aspects of a job. Ah, well…I live and (hopefully) learn. Thank you so much for your prayers. May our Lord bless you and your entire family. Thank you so much for your kindness.