Daily Life,  Mrs. Orr,  Prayers

Update On Mrs. Orr

I wanted to thank all of you who took the time to leave comments and email me about my wife’s health issues. I am especially grateful for those of you who have been praying for her.

Just a small point of clarification, because I realize that in my haste to get the post up, I inaccurately described one of Mrs. Orr’s symptoms. In fact, her throat has not been swelling. She describes it as a sort of spasming. And she believes it may be psychological, a sort of panicked reaction. Any time she swallows wrong and, for example, aspirates water, the terrors just wash over her and it’s difficult for her to control her breathing, which seems to bring the spasms on even more forcefully.

The good news is that her symptoms have subsided somewhat. She was able to sleep through most of last night with only a couple of relatively mild coughing jags. She’s afebrile at this point, and her congestion seems somewhat diminished. We’re keeping her well hydrated and she’s sticking to her regimen of Ivermectin and supplements, etc.

So again, thank you all so very, very much for your care and concern and advice and especially your prayers and well wishes. This just cements your importance to me.

And y’all are important to me.

~ S.K. Orr


  • WJT

    Ah, sorry, I’ve been negligent in making my daily rounds of the blogs and didn’t see this until now. I hope Mrs. Orr is doing much better now. The two of you are always in my prayers.

    • admin

      Good to hear from you, brother. I know what you mean about being behind in reading blogs…

      We appreciate your good wishes and especially your prayers. You and your family are certainly always in our prayers as well, WJT.

      Is that Nancy Pelosi I see buzzing around in the air over your head…?

  • Carol

    Only just now catching up – golly the weeks go fast sometimes!!
    Very sorry Mrs. Orr has had the covid, but so relieved to see that she is doing better!
    Will pray she continues to improve and that you continue staying well!!
    God Bless and keep you both!

  • Bookslinger

    From what I read and hear, people are getting over Omicron as quickly as getting over a cold. Only 1 or 2 bad days.

    I sure hope you don’t catch it from the Mrs.

    How you been feeling, SK ?

    • admin

      Bookslinger, my wife is feeling much better. She comes from good stock and is very resilient. Me? I’m sound as a ruble, and thank you for asking, sir.

      • Bookslinger

        “Me? I’m sound as a ruble, ..”

        Oh my. I’m sorry to hear that. Get well soon, amigo.

        • admin

          Thank you, Bookslinger, but my comment was intended to suggest that I feel fine. The ruble is much sounder than the dollar, I believe.

  • Range Front Fault

    Dear SK,
    So glad to hear your wife is soldiering on and doing it well. And taking Ivermectin and supps. Good on. Saw your blog last night, my concern drove me to write a long email of do this and do that, take this and take that, natter, natter, stopped and prayed for both of you, then promptly fell asleep kaput before I could send it. Found your update today, scrapped my former note to you, just prayed for your Mrs., prayed you’d be given strength to wisely take care of your Mrs., that your ruffled fur be smoothed down with calmness, you be given discernment and openness to bring her further healing, and may the doggers be calm and observant with no mass dog drama. Lots of folks are thinking and praying for your wife, Mr. Orr, and for you. Thank you for the gift of your time and effort to write your stories.
    Range Front Fault
    Southern Utah

    • admin

      Good to hear from you, RFF. I’m grateful that my post moved you to compose an email, even if you decided not to send it. The prayers are worth more to me than anything, and thank you for them. Some days, I’m not sure what I believe about God or His ways, except that I do believe in Him and have never stopped, even in the midst of trial and crisis. I’m not sure how prayer works, or whether prayer alters His purposes or intentions, but the main benefit I get from prayer is: a– when I’m the one doing the praying, I feel that I am serving the person for whom I am praying by (probably unncessesarily) drawing divine attention to that person’s situation, and b — when I am being prayed for, I know that the person praying is thinking of and concerned for me/my family, etc. And this knowledge makes a significant difference in my interior life.

      Thank you again for your kindness and graciousness, RFF. God’s blessings to you and your loved ones.