Daily Life,  I Never Thought I'd Be In This Situation,  Music,  Reflections

Synchronicity and Sadness

My friend William James Tychonievich writes frequently, eloquently, and in a lively manner about the synchronicity he observes in his daily life. Today I thought of WJT when I learned that a talented but erratic country singer named Luke Bell apparently killed himself yesterday, the same day I learned of the suicide of my childhood friend Len.

Mr. Bell seems to have lived a life that could be accurately described as tortured, and the life-taking whispers that chased him for much of his life finally overtook him. You don’t have to listen to many of his songs to recognize his talent and his emotional depth.

I thought I would post one of Luke Bell’s more upbeat songs here — perhaps this would have pleased him. Or perhaps it does please him; who can say whether or not he is aware of such gestures from this side of the veil?

Oh, and the synchronicity?

My childhood friend Len, about whom I wrote yesterday….he and his family lived on Bell Avenue in my hometown.

~ S.K. Orr



  • WJT

    I’d never heard of Luke Bell, but that’s a remarkably good country song. It’s hard to believe it was recorded as recently as 2016.

  • Bookslinger

    That web page is so busy with ads, you might miss the videos of free stories here: https://godwinks.com/blogs/squire-s-godwink-stories-library

    Those are video segments from the NBC Today show, and are a bit slick and sacchariny. In spite of the excess slick polish and maudlin oohing-and-ahing, I think a spiritual message comes through: God is in the details. In The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, those kinds of things come under the heading of the buzz-phrase “tender mercies.”

  • Bookslinger

    Talent and a traumatic background often seem to go hand-in-hand.

    Are a degree of brokenness, a trial, or a flaw, some things that the Giver gives us to somehow counter-balance the gifts of talent?

    Synchronicity often makes me think of Squire Bushnell and his Godwinks.com website and the videos of his appearances on some news show. (You’ll have to wade through the crass commericalism of his web site, but it’s worth it. )

    • admin

      Yes, Bookslinger, I’ve often mused about talent and rough beginnings. I’ve always been very aware of the link between creativity and melancholy. I don’t know if God bestows these things on His children to counterbalance talent, or if He does it to deepen the experience of this life, or if the traumatic past and/or depression actually fuel the talent and bring it to a higher pitch.

      Never heard of the Bushnell fellow…thanks for the link. I’ll have a look.