Original Poetry,  Photographs

Red Wasp

Red Wasp

The red wasp crawls on the pokeweed at noon,
Not hurried, not harried, just taking his winged time,
Confident that his legacy is already

Safe inside the paper poncho. He’ll
Be caught unawares like I always
Am; in fact, I was thinking of the

Wasp this evening while I was wearing a jacket
And cutting the grass, perhaps for the last time.
I look in my mirror and ponder frost and all

The changes flooding in and then I smile
And brush my hair and call the dogs and snap
Their collars on and let them take me roving.

~ S.K. Orr


  • James

    The wasp, one of a very few park job things that does not set well me. I know that if I don’t bother them they have no reason to go to war with me. The kids in the park have not picked up on this concept. Rather than teach the concept mom and dad prefer the nuclear option.

    There are several of these wasp condos in out of the way places in the park and the critters work hard to build and maintain them. I leave them be as much as I can.

    • admin

      I’m with you, James. I try to leave ’em be as much as I can. Certain lines have to be drawn, of course…

      • James

        We are in agreement on drawn lines.
        I have had to take rather drastic measures when a nest is under construction in the tool shed or beneath the overhang above the shed door.