• Daily Life,  Movies,  Music,  Photographs,  Prayers

    The Breeze So Warm and Mild

    A rainbow split the warm sky yesterday evening while we were enjoying some porch-sitting out back. The birds very active, as was our chipmunk, and the 75 degree air was a welcome relief to arthritic stiffness and the inactivity that frigid weather imposes. But today the temperature is dropping steadily, the rain will resume again in a couple of hours, and by morning, we’re forecast to have lots of heavy, wet snow. The kind that snaps power lines and turns mountain roads into luge tracks. May it not come to pass. I thought I’d share a cute video and a beautiful song, if you will indulge me, dear readers. First,…

  • Church Life,  Daily Life,  Dreams,  I Never Thought I'd Be In This Situation,  Lectio Divina,  Prayers,  Quotations,  Reflections

    Despair, Sleep, and Heavenly Mother

    Bruce Charlton has posted a really good essay over at his blog, one of those posts that stopped me in my tracks. I commend it to you. I’ll include here the checklist Bruce wrote to assist in spiritual re-encouragement, and then a couple of thoughts. 1. Reality is ultimately created by God – and continually being-created by God; and I participate in this creation (as a sub-creator) insofar as the world is understandable to me. I look around and remind myself of this.  2. The world is Not dead, mechanical or random; the world is alive and conscious: this is a world of beings. Every ‘thing’ is actually a being, or part…

  • Jinx,  Lectio Divina,  Music,  Prayers,  Reflections

    Later On Good Friday

    The word “blessing” is grossly overused and misused these days, but my use of it here is absolutely precise: today was a blessing. I had the day off and was determined to spend it in reading, prayer, and contemplation. I did so. I prayed a full rosary in three stages, said all of the offices (so far) for The Little Office of the Blessed Virgin Mary. I worked on my Latin exercises (I’m trying to learn to say all of the major prayers in Latin), did a bit of work on some poems in progress, and wrote some prayers in my prayer book. I read a pretty sizable chunk of…

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  • Church Life,  Daily Life,  Lectio Divina,  Reflections

    Comfort On This Day

    It comforts me to realize that Christ did not warn the “little ones” like me — the ones whose understanding is weak or immature or lacking — He did not warn the little ones to be sure to know and parse every fleeting thought or obscure dictate of every leader of His church, lest we be condemned and damned. No, He warned those in authority about the dire consequences of causing one of His little ones to stumble or sin. My Father loves me; my Lord achieved redemption and forgiveness for me; my Blessed Mother and the host of triumphant Saints prays for me; the Holy Ghost guides and strengthens…

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  • Books,  Church Life,  Daily Life,  I Never Thought I'd Be In This Situation,  Lectio Divina,  Prayers,  Reflections

    Suffering’s Work

    I have for the last several days been in a sustained mood of contemplation and prayer, feeling and responding to an almost urgent sense of needing to pray, to seek companionship with God the Father, with Christ the Lord, with the Blessed Virgin Mary, and with my patron saint, the Maid — St. Joan of Arc. Today before entering my place of work, I offered a very focused supplication that I might not be drawn into nor affected by the dozens of little soap operas whirling about me on any given day. Regular readers of this blog know that I have been battered by the foolishness that is the norm…

  • Church Life,  Daily Life,  Holy Days,  Jinx,  Lectio Divina,  Prayers,  Reflections

    The Second Sunday in Advent

    The weekend was a mild one, foggy and rainy for the most part, but with a three hour sunbath this afternoon. We sat out on the front porch and read for a good long spell, enjoying the fresh air and watching the battalions of birds as they ate and visited. Methuselah, the ancient white-faced squirrel who has lived on this land longer than we have, scampered in his deliberate, arthritic way across the driveway. How many winters has he seen? Jinx and I climbed to the top of a high ridge yesterday and enjoyed a rest up where we could peer down to our place and for quite a ways…

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